Amanda Humann
How to pronounce my name: Uh-man-duh Hyoo-muhn.
That's right, just how it looks. My last name is like the word "human" but with an extra "n" that is silent. Like an "n" ninja. Sneaky.
I like being around other people with the same interests:
Current Memberships:
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators
National Geographic Society
Word stuff, art stuff--Humann Touch Creative is in the business of creating stuff.
I'm Amanda Humann, a "multi-creative" content developer who leverages her talents to meet client needs for words, illustrations and designs. Did you fall asleep just now? Yeah, me too, so I usually tell people that I create stuff-mostly stories and art. When I'm really lazy, I just say I'm a writer/illustrator. Bottom line: I make creative stuff with a Humann touch.
In addition to writing and drawing, I love bright colors, the changing of the seasons, cooking, games, puzzles and the natural world. And candy. And giant squid, Halloween (actually all holidays), passionfruit, mangroves, soccer, the dark, warm fluffy blankets, karate, echidnas, spies, the number eight, pandas, blank paper, the deep ocean, dragons, hockey, rainforests and robots. And candy.
I accept client work in several different markets, but specialize and prefer to work in youth/children's markets, or do some combination of the things I love, like write challenges for a family food game, draw illustrations to go with puzzles, or create recipes for kids. I also develop my own projects. And yeah, I have this thing with candy.
Past Memberships:
Pacific Northwest Writers Association
National Puzzler's League
International Cake Exploration Society
The Smithsonian Institution
Pacific Science Center
World Wildlife Federation
Woodland Park Zoological Society
Seattle Aquarium
The Yellowstone Association
Zoological Society of San Diego
Maui Ocean Center
The Burke Museum at the University of Washington
Frye Art Museum