This is an illustration of a tween's sketch in her journal in her own drawing style. I did this to help me see a character in one of my published books.

Three girls I developed as characters for a book I wrote. The main character (in the middle) is twelve, half Indian and half Chinese and wants to be a scientist/fashion designer. I developed this art style because it is supposed to be HER drawing style that she uses to draw herself and friends in her journal, and this is her drawing.

A giant sundae being built by a group of characters

Climber and kids (and cat) on the side of the giant sundae

A family of ice cream sundae people

Scientist Constanza, who is studying seastar wasting disease, wants a bite of that big giant sundae!

The scientist who invented a way to get sprinkles to the top of the giant sundae

Animal cookie husky

Animal cookie dog #2

Children's book cover for a contest in 2016.