What others think about Humann Touch Creative.
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Ron & Sara Jones
Somewhere in Washington
“Amanda is very flexible. She stretched to meet our needs when we teamed with her recently on a very challenging project. Any game of Twister can be like that, but not with Amanda around. Her efforts on 'right hand to blue' were spot-on.”
Adam Kant
City, State
“I'd say something nice about Amanda Humann and Humann Touch Creative if I knew her. I would tell all my friends how great she is to work with. But I'm kind of busy right now - I have hair product to buy and daylight is burnin'.”
Michelle Ryder
City, State
“Hallelujah! Testify! Hands in the air! Can I get an AMEN?!! What? You didn't say what KIND of testimonial this had to be. I'm still getting paid, right?”